Connecting with AFN's Cherishing Creation Collaborative

Rev. Kate Lehman, Chair

AFN’s 2019 restructuring of the Social Justice Commission identified areas where we need active working groups.  One of those groups was provisionally identified as the “Environmental Justice Team.”  We reflected on “Who we are,” understanding both our history within AFN (as the Earth Care Commission), and as the “birthing group” out of which Arizona Interfaith Power and Light (AZIPL) was organized.  We noticed many faith communities and organizations doing environmentally-directed and important work in Arizona.  We don’t intend to replicate, re-invent or “compete” with that important and on-going work. Instead, our goal is to amplify and to more fully connect with the range of work that is already being done in the AFN network to cherish creation. 

We are aware of the need for cherishing creation work to be done at all levels from our fellowship community to our neighborhood, city, state, national government, and the global community.  Together we can elevate and disseminate faithful actions that cherish creation.  We invite each AFN-affiliate community to consider “How is my community already actively cherishing creation?,” and, as appropriate, share that work in the CCC calendar

We’re a young collaborative, but our partnerships are already beginning to bear fruit: 

Please join us!  We meet monthly from 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. on the second Thursday by Zoom.  Check our AFN website calendar for up-to-date information: